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About the Library

How to access Avalon

Go to Avalon (linked below) and select the Sign In button in the top right corner. Log in using your MI username and password. Browse our collections on the left-hand side of the page. I recommend looking at Collections and then narrow down by date.

What is Inter-Library Loan?

We are a small library and might not have the books or materials you are looking for. Libraries love helping each other, so we can contact other libraries to have them send us what you need. 

How does it work?

You tell us what you're looking for and I find the closest library that has that item and request that they send it to us. If they approve the request, we can usually get it within 2 weeks and you'll pick it up from the Library.

NOTE: the rarer the material is, the less likely they'll send it. Also, the less libraries will have the item in their collection. If we have to source something internationally, we may charge you for the cost of shipping. However, we are in Los Angeles. We have access to LAPL, UCLA, USC, UC System, and more. Most items are likely found locally.

What do I need to do?

  1. Find the item online. I recommend searching for it on WorldCat, which will give you all the information you need.
  2. Fill out the form below with your contact information and information about the item.
  3. Wait for me to tell you it's on the way and when to come to the Library to retrieve it.
  4. Pick up your item. Make a note of the due date in your calendar or alerts. Every day overdue is usually $1, which we will charge to your student account.
  5. Return the item on time and we will take care of returning it.

We have over 75 computers in the Library with access to the following software:

  • Zoom
  • Logic Pro
  • GarageBand 
  • iBooks, iDVD, iMovie, iPhoto, iTunes, iWeb, iWork
  • Keynote
  • Launchpad
  • MI Bookstore
  • Microsoft Programs
  • MPEG Streamclip
  • Music Prodigy
  • Reason 
  • Ear Training – Associates 
  • Ear Training – Bachelors

Students can print from any of our computers (mobile printing is not available at this time). Once you print the item, a pop-up window will prompt you to log in using your MI username and password. Once you enter that information in, your page(s) will automatically print. Please note that these costs will be applied to your student account:

  • $0.10/page for black and white printing
  • $0.25/page for color printing

While using the computers, we ask that students not eat food or drink liquids other than water.

The Library has 1 Kyocera printer available for students to print in black and white or in color. There are costs associated with printing, which are listed below:

1) Black and White: $0.10/page

2) Color: $0.25/page

These costs help us cover the cost of software, paper and ink, and maintenance fees. These fees will be applied to students' accounts on a weekly basis. Please contact the Librarian with any questions about these costs or instructions on how to print.

Practice Stations

One of the unique features of the Library is that we are not a quiet Library. We ask that students don't disturb others, but students can speak and practice respectfully within the Library. For students who have or borrow an electric instrument, we have 20 practice stations available.

  • Most practice stations have a Boss Jamstation. If you need help with learning how these work, please ask the circulation desk.
  • We have audio interfaces available for checkout as well.

Reference Services are provided to students and staff via email, phone, and in person. Some possible inquiries may includes questions about:

  • Our equipment or collections
  • Our policies 
  • Using the databases
  • Finding materials on a certain subject
  • Any kind of research 

The library only provides sources of data relevant to the research query; we do not provide personal expertise or advise as for instance in lieu of a copyright attorney, or expert in a field etc.  

You can email us at [email protected], call us at (323) 860-1159 or chat with us on our homepage.

Should faculty wish assistance from the librarian in their classrooms, our Director will be happy to work with faculty members to create a lesson plan teaching any of the following:

  • How to search databases to find good sources
  • How to determine trustworthy sources
  • Finding legal copies of sheet music, recordings, etc
  • Basics of copyright, licensing, and fair use
  • How to cite sources
  • Using databases and other library resources
  • Any other ideas

Please contact our library director at [email protected]