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Books Included in Tuition

If you are registered for the class listed below, then the corresponding textbook is included in your tuition and you do not need to purchase them again. Please scroll down to see instructions for how to access these books.

How to Log In

Accessing Your Books

If you are taking a class with a textbook in the bookstore, please log in with these instructions:

1. Make sure you are registered.

2. Wait for an email from the Librarian stating your books have been loaded into your account (usually 48-72 hours after registering).

3. Make sure you are logged onto the WiFi.

4. You can read books on the website or you can download the app onto your smartphone, tablet, laptop, or desktop computer. You can have the app on up to 3 devices. For reading on a browser, we recommend using Chrome or Firefox.

5. Login with your credentials. These are the default, but if you've reset your password, it will not be this format:

  • Username: full student email (e.g. [email protected])
  • Password: email without '' (e.g. doej10609)

6. To find your books:

  • In your browser: Go to your bookshelf and find the title you'd like to read. Click on the book and the reader should open automatically.
  • In the App: Go to the #purchased tab at the top of the screen. Select download on the books you have access to. Read in the app.

Having Trouble?

Here are some things you can do if you are having trouble accessing materials in the app

Restart the App

1. Log out of your account

2. Fully exit out of the app

3. After a few seconds, re-open the app and log in

Reinstall the App

1. Log out and completely exit out of the application.

2. Uninstall apps. On Macs, this is as simple as dragging the app to the trash icon. On Windows, go to Start --> Settings --> Apps --> Apps & features. Find the app you want to remove, right click and go to More > Uninstall. On some PC computers, you may be able to right-click on the app and select uninstall.

3. Reinstall the app from the instructions listed above and log in.

Clear the Cache


  1. Click “Circle i” icon
  2. Click “Clear All Data”
  3. Once cleared, click “Refresh” icon (circle arrow). 
  4. Books will re-load into the app and download should be available


  1. Locate the MI Bookstore app on device
  2. Tap and long hold app icon > App info > Storage & Cache > “Clear Storage”
  3. Return to app, login, books will re-load into the app and download should be available


  1. Locate the MI Bookstore app on device
  2. Tap and long hold app icon > Delete App
  3. After delete, re-install MI Bookstore from the App Store
  4. Open app, login using MI account credentials and books should be available for download

If none of these instructions improves your experience on the app, please fill out this form or email [email protected] for further assistance.