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Student Login Guide: Student Email - Office 365

The Student Email/ Office 365 account gives students many benefits. Firstly, the student email is your primary method of communication between yourself, the student, and your teachers, or any offices that you might need to contact, or any offices that may need to contact you. Your student email is also the first place you get to hear about cool new events or giveaways happening on campus! Along with your student email, you also get access to the many benefits of office 365! This means you have access to important programs such as word and powerpoint, as well as the excellent cloud based note-taking app OneNote. You also have the ability to store files in Microsoft OneDrive. All of this is included with access to your student email!

For information about how to add your email to your phone, please see the following PDF guides:

  • In your browser of choice, head to to access to full suite of Microsoft apps or head to to directly access your student email (or access via the link in
  • Click on "Sign In" typically located in the upper right.
  • When prompted enter your student email (ex: [email protected])
  • You will be redirected to a new site where you will be prompted for your password
  • Your password will be your birthdate that the school has on record in MMDDYY format. (ex: if your birthdate is January 22, 1993, your password would be 012293)
  • Click "Sign In" or hit the Enter/Return key on your keyboard

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